Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a little bit of a rant

I read a lot about photography. I read a ton of books, magazines and blogs and I even take classes from time to time to brush up and keep myself up to date. I know I'm not a seasoned pro but there are some things from Photo 101 that everyone should know like how to hold a camera. I've even seen a few professionals hold a camera this way and I just cringe every time. Yes, at first it is a little uncomfortable (and even still, I sometimes have trouble remembering to keep my arms at my sides.) In the beginning, I found myself wanting to rebel and "do what I want" but as time goes on, you get a little more skilled and you'd like to start increasing your credibility you'll learn. Holding the camera the correct way makes a huge difference- especially when you're using a larger, heavier lens and your arms are getting tired.


Trisha said...

You're welcome for that website! =D

I was wondering how long it was going to take you to post this! ;)

LC said...

So, is the man holding it right or not? I probably should learn since my Rebel is on the way!

Pamela said...

thanks again, trisha!

Lauren- he is holding it correctly. click on the link and watch the video for more explanation.

Stephanie said...

Very interesting! So are you right-eyed or left-eyed? I've never even stopped to think about that!