Monday, October 6, 2008

Deep Thoughts by Pamela Quigley

CAPTCHA. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

I understand the purpose and the intentions are great but man, is it annoying. Sometimes it is really easy- like four letters FHND. Other times it seems to be about 18 letters long with squiggly marks on it and the T looks more like a 7 and after the third or fourth attempt I just give up.

Just because I don't comment on blogs or frequently leave comments on myspace doesn't mean that I'm not reading. I am. I just probably got in a captcha fight and lost.


sarah said...

Ack, those annoy the bajeebus outta me! I get them wrong a lot, and I was a star in my elementary book club! :)

Jennelle said...

I read somewhere that sometimes companies get them from books they are trying to convert to an online format--they can't figure them out, and the CAPTCHAs are a way for them to figure it out by asking other people!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, no joke. I comment on blogs a lot less when they've got those things - so annoying!

N. said...

Agreed. I have literally had to try 4 times before... so frustrating!

Katie said...

I agree with you completely! So annoying!

Amy said...

I despise them. i hope i dont have one on my blog. they are so annoying and i never get them right. then i end up loosing my comment bc the thing sucks.

Amanda, Mandy, Manda, Tomato said...

Ugh. I hate them. I like Myspace's a little more though because it's not case sensitive.

Morissa said...

I am so with you on that! I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!!!!!

LucyinStLou said...

It is irritating, isn't it? Sometimes I don't even think they are really letters, just tests of my commenting fortitude.