Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm dumb....

I over-served myself last night... that was bad idea #1. I don't know why I do this to myself... it's a wonder I can function at all today and honestly, I feel fine now. So I'm sitting on my back porch with a friend and a bucket full of booze and we're having a good time when she reminds me that it's a "school night" and she needs to go home and go to bed. WHAT? Why? I don't know why I insist on going balls to the wall after a few cocktails. She leaves. The smart and logical next step would be to join my husband and go to sleep like the rest of the world. Like a grown up. But no... I start calling people. Bad idea #2. "Hey Little Brother. Enjoying your summer? What are you up to? Yes..... I have been drinking. Am I on speaker phone?" Had enough? Oh no- "Hi, Mom! Just calling to say HI!" We talk for about 40 minutes. Time for bed? Nope! Because I know that I will want to sleep as long as I can in the morning I decide to take a quick shower. And shave. It seemed like a good idea at the time! After I dropped my razor 8 times I realized- that was a bad idea too.

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